Different people, different cultures and different languages. That is the reality of world. But in past few years, English has become the business language of most of the countries.

Question arises :
Why English ?
Because English is already spread around many countries because of huge British Empire in 19Th century. And it will be easier and cheap to spread it further compared to other languages for business, informational and social interactions among people across the world. We need a common language for better understanding.

Two important features of this language :

  1. It's easy to speak.
  2. It has ability to add (adopt) words from other languages. It's not conservative in nature.

It has already adopted words from European languages and now slowly adopting from Asian and African languages. So it's flexible. English has already different forms in different countries like England, USA, Australia, India etc.

World may need 1-2 common secondary languages for social interaction and not for business purpose. Hindi fits perfect for the category. Because Hindi is even more flexible and versatile compared to English. It already has adopted words from most of the world's languages including Chinese, Arabic, German, Italian, Iranian, Urdu etc. It already contains most of the easier English words. It's so flexible that when Hindi touches or go near to another language, it automatically picks the easier words of the later.

Take an example:

'School' word in English is actually 'Vidyalaya' in Hindi. When Hindi came in contact with English, it picked up the word 'School'. Both the words were in use after that. Later 'School' was found easier to pronounce with other Hindi words compared to 'Vidyalaya'. Now 'school' has become eternal part of Hindi.

This is why Hindi can easily become common social language of the world.

Cultures, Countries and Languages are made to unite all, co-operate others and express ourselves. So, be ready to sacrifice our old languages and to use English and Hindi for better future.


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