Zasbo Thought :
Child takes birth. His brain tends toward light. Light of information and knowledge. He gets them from his relatives and nature. As he grows he learn more and more facts. The things he understand become the light level of brain. Things he doesn't understand is dark level. Either he tries to solve mystery of dark level or leave it and just live with light level.

This dark level is the one a person solve by intuition, experiments, thoughts or by research. If he can completely solve the mystery of dark level then only will be able to reach the ultimate level of brain that is god level. now what is god level ? Nobody knows. Nobody has reached that level. so, we call it god.

Zasbo Example :
Take an example in science. Light and dark have been discussed in earlier post 'Einstein Brain in Dark and Light'. We know about light, wave, energy and mass. But still doesn't know about dark matter or darkness. If we are completely able to solve mystery of darkness, we may able to solve mystery of universe, nature and god.

Zasbo Way:
To understand and experience the 3 level of brain, read upcoming post 'The Real Meditation'. By practicing meditation with innocence in heart, we may be able to reach at the peak of light level, solve the mystery of dark level and touch the ultimate level or god level of brain.


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