Einstein derived a formula E=MC^2 .
Where E= energy, M= mass, C= speed of light .
He worked on mass - energy relationship and suggested that mass and energy are inter convertable. When an object of mass M travel with speed of light, it gets converted into wave with energy given by above formula. It helped in creation of atom bomb.

Till date many people have worked on this formula and got interesting results. New theories, postulates, dimensions have been tried out.

Einstein, the people know as greatest genius, in reality was able to use only 3-8 % of his brain. He kept thinking on mass and energy. He couldn't rise above these two. Above and around these two exists darkness or dark matter. E=MC^2 will become correct only if unit of dark matter is added into it.

Many scientists and thinkers have studied this dark matter and given their opinion. But no one is fully correct or verified, not even Stephen Hawkins. First, human should find existence & constituent of dark matter. Then its unit and then new dimensions related to it and finally its applications.

Let us take example of Time which is considered as fourth dimension by scientists. Now question is where this Time exist ? In our Thoughts, Earth, Universe or out side this Universe. Scientists say Time exists since Big Bang - cause of creation of Universe. Now question is what is this Big Bang actually related to ? Big Bing only relates to mass and energy. At the starting of Big Bang, dark matter was there surrounding it. If it was not then what was there surrounding it ?

Let us suppose dark matter was there surrounding it. In this case units like speed or distance and three space dimensions are related to Time. These units or dimensions or Time itself depends upon existence of either mass or energy or both. As we go outside Earth, X-Y-Z dimensions of space do not exist. Because they are just reference. In similar way Time would not exist if there was no mass or energy. There may be age of existence of mass or energy in this case but not of dark matter or darkness.

So its useless talking and researching about past or future travel, travel around the galaxies with a very high speed or getting reality of Universe, matter, life, death and god or nature. Human curiosity started with its body and relatives and reached the darkness. Now time has come to do research work on dark matter and find out new unit and dimension related to darkness.
This will help human to achieve speed much more than that of light which toady's scientists can't even think of. It's dimension will help to understand past, future, life, death and god or nature. Let's start thinking above the level where Einstein couldn't reach.


  1. Unknown said...
    I don't think the parameter of time can be neglected. Even speed is defined in terms of time.
    Anonymous said...
    Hi Nikhil..
    who is neglecting parameter of Time ? Speed, Time & other units and dimension depend upon Mass and Energy..

    I want to say that we should find out the property and unit of Dark Matter. And then include it in every mathematical formulae or calculations includind E=MC^2

    Time dimension is not perfect in itself to know past or future.
    Unknown said...
    its thought provoking and interesting
    keep going

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